Highway and Other Rants

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1.) The left lane is for passing. I can’t stress this enough—passing—passing. Therefore, there is no reason to backup traffic by driving too slow in this lane, green Dodge Neon. Maybe I’d like to go faster than you? You are not the boss of the road. Nor is it your job to regulate the highway’s speed limit. There is law enforcement for monitoring these types of things. So you can see how I might find it frustrating when I attempt to pass you in the right hand lane and you choose to race me. Really? Is it that important we all play follow-the-slow-leader down Hwy 199? I think not. Below are a few things that should not be in the left lane:
            A. Tractor trailers.
            B. The large black trailer hauling chickens on Hwy 30 this morning.
            C. School busses.
            D. Lost drivers.
            E. Bosses of the road.
2.) Under no circumstance is it necessary to come to a dead stop in the middle of the road just because a cop has someone pulled over in another lane. Unless you plan to hop out of your vehicle and offer roadside assistance or make a civilian arrest, GO!  
3.) We’ve all seen the new billboards encouraging us to share the road with our fellow motorcycle friends. Are these said “motorcycle friends” the crotch rocket operators zipping in and out of cars like irritating gnats? They are? Well, in that case, No. Perhaps our motorcycle friends should slow down and stop risking our lives.
4.) This is little off task, but I’d like to give a shout out to the cyclist that almost knocked me and my husband into the Trinity River this afternoon. Here’s a quick lesson in biking etiquette: The bike lane and jogging lane are one in the same. For all intent purposes, the jogger generally has the right of way. The bike / jogging lane is a two lane path. If you would like to pass someone on your bike (anyone except for my husband, who loathes being passed) you simply say, on your left and go around. Now, Mr. wobbly cyclist, never do you attempt to pass someone when another cyclist is coming in the other direction. As we discussed, the bike lane consist of two lanes, not three. All the hand waving and sorries in the world would not pull me from the depth of the filthy, rapidly flowing Trinity.


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