Lessons Learned


I do not mind learning a lesson here and there. In fact, the many lessons I’ve painfully endured over the years has made me the person I am today. However, what I do not enjoy, is costly lessons. For example, publishing a children’s book a week after I decided to become the next JK Rowling wasn’t my brightest moment. This is because I will be republishing this book. Changing cars three times within a one-year span and wishing I still had the one I started with—another less than bright moment. And, drum roll please … Booking four plane tickets to Europe the week after our holiday rental.

“No need to worry, honey,” says Lufthansa customer service. “We’ll get this taken care of for you right away. You’re in luck. I see we still have seating on the earlier flight you need. Now, did you buy travelers insurance?”

“No,” I say. Would I be hyperventilating if I had travelers insurance?

“How about your credit card, do they offer insurance coverage?”

“No.” They do not offer stupidity coverage.

“OK, let me get this taken care of for you. There will be a small fee of 220 per ticket to change them.”

“OK,” I squeak out. Shoes, purses, and sunglasses I will never own are scrolling through my mind—along with a few other unmentionables.

“Plus a fuel charge fee,” she adds.

“Fuel charge?” Didn’t I pay that the first time I bought the ticket? “But I haven’t flew any where yet,” I say.

“That brings your total to 453 per ticket. A grand total of 1,812. Did you want to put this on the same credit card?”

Are you insane? How about we put it on your credit card?

In short, we will be flying out a week late and dragging our luggage from place to place like a band of traveling gypsies.